Tuesday 13 December - our monthly Singers' Session which can have a festive theme or not. It all depends on what you want to sing (as long you won't get arrested for it! ;) 8-11pm at the Royal Oak as usual.
Tuesday 10 January- why not make a New Year's resolution to sing more and come to our friendly monthly Singers' Session? 8-11pm at the Royal Oak as usual.
Saturday 18 February - Muckle Sing 2012. Details coming soon of this fun day in Linlithgow.
In the meantime if you are looking to get your vocal cords in shape – you could visit the Scots Music Group website for details of their song groups and classes at www.scotsmusic.org/song/ as there is still room in a number of them.
Tuesday 14 February- what better day to sing about songs of love (and death - well that's usually what most folk songs are about!!) at our friendly monthly Singers' Session? 8-11pm at the Royal Oak as usual.
Tuesday 13 March- you don't need to be as mad as a March hare to come to our friendly monthly Singers' Session! 8-11pm at the Royal Oak as usual.
Friday 23 March - The Music & Songs of Mining Concert, The Pleasance. This will be part of Edinburgh's Ceilidh Culture and being organised in partnership with TMSA Glasgow Branch - there will be a partner concert on Friday 16 March in Glasgow.
Tuesday 10 April- Our friendly monthly Singers' Session, 8-11pm at the Royal Oak as usual.
13-15 April - Northern Streams 2012 featuring music, song and dance from Scotland and Scandinavia - also part of Edinburgh's Ceilidh Culture.