The Pleasance, Edinburgh EH8 9TJ
Come with us on a journey through music, song, dance and story drawing on the different traditions of Scotland, presented by James MacDonald Reid (Artistic Director of the Drumalban Folk Ensemble) and friends. Of Argyll origins, James has always been interested in Scottish traditions and how they connect to other traditions across Europe. Recently he has been researching living Slavic and Norse folklore. This session is most suitable for ages 5+ but fun for all!
Tickets: £5 per child (children must be accompanied by an adult who can join in – and will be admitted free). Available through the Ceilidh Culture Box Office, Usher Hall, Lothian Road, Edinburgh: www.ceilidhculture.co.uk/ www.usherhall.co.uk or tel: 0131 228 1155 or on the door. (NB: a small booking fee applies to web & phone bookings).
Hope those weans don't eat you alive, Jamie! Have fun!